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Olivia Elf
Chief of Staff

Why leadership principles matter

People join Sana to do their life's work. 虽然这些聪明的人知道自己在做什么,但伸出援助之手永远不会有坏处. 这就是我们建立六项核心领导原则的原因. 这些原则就像一个工具箱,帮助我们的领导者打造最强大的团队. 并在此过程中成为最伟大的自己.

These six principles set expectations for our leaders. 在每个季度反馈周期中,我们都将其作为评估标准.

编纂领导原则需要自我反省和规划. We had to pinpoint how we lead today and how we wish to lead tomorrow. 在对这些原则进行了一年的压力测试之后,我们将与全世界分享这些原则. Along with the secret recipe to develop your own.

Sana's six leadership principles

1. Build psychological safety

心理安全感是一种信念,没有人会因为你分享自己的想法或犯错误而惩罚或羞辱你. It's the most critical dynamic to a high-performing team.

在一个心理安全的团队中,成员们敢于寻求帮助. 他们问“愚蠢”的问题,挑战传统的真理. In this environment, they grow and innovate.

To build psychological safety, you should:

  • Ask open-ended questions. Listen actively and with intention.
  • 第一个说你不知道,最后一个表达你的观点.
  • 要富有同情心,鼓励敢于挑战现状的人.
  • Role-model vulnerability. Share the lessons you've learned from your mistakes.

2. Search for global maxima

Doing something good doesn't mean it's the best. Imagine climbing a mountain with your eyes closed. 当你到达顶峰时,你会知道,因为地面停止上升. 但是如果你刚刚爬过的山是这个地区最小的山呢? You still have other peaks that would take you even higher. That highest peak is the global maximum.

If you get stuck in the local maximum, 你忙着灭火,没有意识到整个森林都在燃烧. You trade long-term success against short-term wins. 你遵从别人对你所在行业及其问题的定义,而不是自己定义它.

That's why we search for global maxima. To avoid incrementalism.

To search for global maxima, you should:

  • Obsess over non-customers rather than customers.
  • 认可并赞扬决心解决问题根源的团队成员, those who ask one more "why."
  • Discuss problems with individuals outside your field. 他们来自不同的视角,会帮助你跳出思维定势.

3. Be present

A leader who's present makes every interaction meaningful. 他们专注于此时此地——专注于周围发生的事情,而不是他们身后或面前发生的事情.

Presence exists on multiple levels. It starts with something as simple as Slack notifications. 在会议上让他们闭嘴,给你的同事充分的关注. 在更深的层面上,它是意识到你对周围人的影响. And being able to sense when a team member needs help.

To be present, you should:

  • Check-in with your team daily. 再问一个问题,看看每个人的实际表现如何.
  • Give yourself time to reset between meetings. Even if it's just 5-10 minutes.
  • Eliminate all distractions when in conversations.
  • Switch on your camera during remote sessions.
Oscar Svärd and Mika Eberstein having a 1 to 1

4. Reduce entropy

热力学第二定律指出,封闭系统的熵总是增加的. Unless external influences affect it, 一个系统总是会走向更大的随机性和混乱状态. Organizations are systems. If nothing acts upon them, they will drift toward disorder.

Reducing entropy in your team is about creating focus. You replace lingering concerns with quick decisions. 你做出了艰难的权衡,并保护你的团队免受太多新任务的影响.

Some problems need lots of entropy because they are complex. And that's okay. Concentrate on removing entropy wherever it's unnecessary, 这样你就能让你的团队清晰地向前发展.

To reduce entropy, you should:

  • 避免让员工参与到他们没有直接影响的决策细节中.
  • Define your team's cadence, ceremonies, and tools. And stick to them.
  • Use top-down communication. Start with the big picture and follow with its components.
  • Use prioritization frameworks to aid decision-making.

5. Be more interested in learning than in being right

在当今世界,努力做到正确不仅不现实. It's also exhausting and unproductive.

When we're more interested in learning, 我们建立心理安全感,为每个人创造更好的结果. To do that, we leave our egos at the door. 我们寻求不同的观点,并努力推翻我们的信念. 当我们错了的时候,我们有承认错误的正直和改变的勇气.


  • 管理你的精力,保持开放和对新想法的好奇心.
  • Let the team share their perspectives before voicing yours.
  • Be prepared to kill your darlings. 如果数据改变了,不要为了赢得争论而坚持你以前的观点.

6. Limit the number of details and make every detail perfect

我们达到完美不是因为没有什么可以增加的,而是因为没有什么可以减少的. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said this.

Adding is tempting...just one more click, framework, sentence, metric, message. We think we're helping. But we're just introducing more friction.

Simplifying a process or product takes time and effort. But it's worth it. 随着我们删除的每一行代码,代码库变得更容易维护. With every sentence we remove, 这种策略变得更容易理解,传递的信息也更有力.

限制细节与我们的第四个领导原则密切相关. 当你的团队专注于做好更少的事情时,你就减少了熵.


  • Simplify your team's objective down to a singular goal. 如果你只能移动一个度规,会是哪个,为什么?
  • Embrace the "one in, one out" rule. 如果你引入一项新任务,你会取消哪项现有任务?
  • 想想你可以从产品或过程中去掉什么,让它更引人注目.

Enable your teams to do their life's work

Leadership principles are powerful. But they only work if they are true to your organization. And every organization is different.

Summer celebrations


1. Make the laundry list

Gather all your leaders for a brainstorming session. 让他们提出任何想到的原则. The list will be long, and that's a good thing.

2. Discuss and vote

把你的领导分成两组,让他们看一遍清单. 他们应该优先考虑他们认为会对组织产生最大影响的事情. Then regroup and ask each pair to explain their shortlist.

3. Create a suggestion

会议结束后,是时候起草你的原则并与你的领导分享了. In the spirit of reducing entropy, make one person responsible — ideally, the same person who facilitated the session.

4. Explain and educate

Now you've got your principles, you need to clarify them. Why did you choose them? How will your leaders embody them? What are the dos and don’ts? Get all this down, then share your principles company-wide. Include them in onboarding, add them to feedback reviews. 让它们成为任何涉及你工作方式的仪式的一部分.

5. Revisit and hold each other accountable

Your principles are a living guide, 因此,你应该不断地与他们合作,并定期探索他们. 依次采用每个原则,并与你的领导举行一次深入的会议. Or use them when giving kudos to each other. 最重要的是,挑战彼此,保持对自己的忠诚.

在萨那,我们的领导原则已经成为我们的支柱. 它们使我们有了共同的语言,使我们的领导人走得更近. Best of all, they empower everyone to do their life's work. That's all we could ever ask for.


Leadership development Summer celebrations

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